Student Response
System is used for taking the student responses. It creates an
interactive environment between the presenter (teacher) and audience
(students). It is state-of-the-art student response system from Turning
Technologies , USA. It uses two way RF technology and optimized for feedback
from 1000 participants concurrently and generate reports in desired format. It
is very compact, plug-and-play and easy to carry.
This solution works in three format-PowerPoint Polling, Anywhere
Polling, Self-Paced polling.
In PowerPoint
Polling questions can be
inserted in PowerPoint slides.
Different types of questions can be asked such as Multiple Choice,
Numeric Response, True/False, Short Answer, Analogy, Priority Ranking, Ice
Breaker etc.
In Anywhere
Polling you can ask any question orally, in order to know the opinion of the
student/audience, report will be generated automatically.
In Self-Paced
Polling question paper
will be given to the student/audience, as he/she responds to the question with
help of clicker, report will be generated.
Schools, teachers, and professional educators use learning assessment software to track student progress and evaluate teaching effectiveness. This module allows teachers to score student assignments for a specific course section on a selected marking period.